Thursday, June 9, 2011

06/13 Assignment


All poems MUST be submitted by eight o'clock on June 13th to be graded.

Please post your poems here. One poem must relate to the topic Patriotism. The other poem is miscellaneous, so choose whatever poem you like (as long as it hasn't been discussed in class before). One of your poems must be a song.

Also, verify that the poem you are posting has not been posted before by someone else. If this DOES occur, however, simply click the trash can on your poem to delete from the blog.

To comment on a poem, begin your comment with "@PoemName". If the poem has no name, use the first line of the poem as the poem's name.

Thank you!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

06/06 Assignment


All poems MUST be submitted by eight o'clock on June 6th to be graded.

Please post your poems here. Themes for your poems include Faith, Fate, and the Cosmos. Choose two of the three possible themes, and post a poem for each.

To comment on a poem, begin your comment with "@PoemName".
If the poem has no name, use the first line of the poem as the poem's name.

Thank you!