Thursday, May 26, 2011

05/31 Assignment


Please post your poems here. One poem's topic must involve Carpe Diem, while the other's must involve identity.

To comment on a poem, begin your comment with "@PoemName".
If the poem has no name, use the first line of the poem as the poem's name.

Thank you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

05/23 Assignment


Please post your poems here. One poem's topic must involve beginnings or birth, while the other's must involve endings or death.

To comment on a poem, begin your comment with "@PoemName".
If the poem has no name, use the first line of the poem as the poem's name.

Thank you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

05/16 Assignment


Please post your poems here.
To comment on a poem, begin your comment with "@PoemName".
If the poem has no name, use the first line of the poem as the poem's name.

Thank you!